lundi 23 avril 2012

Généalogies de discours, interrompues

En usage tôt, et sur ces terrains :
- resistance, dans Angela Davis, "Reflections on the Black Woman's Role in the Community of Slavery", et counterinsurgency. Avec Marx Engels, contra le Moynihan report (1965), et avec Fanon.
- mimicry (drama), dans Zora Neale Hurston, "Characteristics of Negro Expression" (1934).

Les étranges oublis, fossés, entre formations discursives qui ont des projets avec des airs de famille, et finalement des histoires communes - oublis nécessairement stratégiques : quels en sont les bénéfices, au-delà de la revendication de paternité?

Z. N. Hurston, aussi : niggerism.

samedi 21 avril 2012

James Weldon Johnson - terms setting

Impressive discovery, J.W. Johson's Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man, 1912 (from The Norton Anthology of Af Am Literature, HL Gates Jr ed, 2004 2nd ed°). Starting to etch out a sense of timeline in African American literature, and a sense of generations of context. (He himself mentions Du Bois's 1903 The Souls as one recent landmark, groundbreaking.)
His Book of American Negro Poetry is 1921.

His refined and settled tone; his singular "peripapetic" experience across cultural & social boundaries (with which vectors); his careful differencitations of black experience and social-cultural history.

Mots d'ordre déjà posés à l'époque, ou posés ici : the color line (827), "the freemasonry of the race" (830), the generations of "struggle" - consecutive frontline issues of the souls of Negroes, the learning capacities of Negroes, and the social recognition of Negroes, "the Negro question" (831).
How "nigger" among blacks means "fellow", and even endearment. / "The Anglos-Saxon race".
"The Negro is progressing".

Literature : " dialect speaking 'darkies' " 866, "the rural darkie", "are perhaps better known in American literature than any other single picture of our national life. Indeed, they form an ideal and exclusively literary concept of the American Negro to such an extent that it is almost impossible to get the reading public to recognize him in any other setting", "overworked and hackneyed descriptions", "This generally accepted literary ideal of the American Negro constitutes what is really an obstacle in the way of the thought and progressive element of the race." - "happy-go-lucky, laughing, shuffling, banjo-picking" 866, alternatives, "looked upon as an absurd caricature of "white civilization", "would be taken in a comic-opera sense".
=> "However this very fact constitutes the opportunity of the future Negro novelist and poet to give the country something new and unknown, in depicting the life, the ambitions, the struggles, and the passions of those of their race whar are striving to break the narrow limits of tradition. A beginning has already been made in that remarkable book by Dr. Du Bois, The Souls of Black Folk." 866
- preacher & singer figures 868, art of oratory 869.

"Music and the race question" (857). Ragtime music : its remixing of cultural territories : "popular/scholasticism" 840, "appeals universally", and its success in Europe - as "American music" : refait donc une nationalité, par les traversées, ouvertures, des cartes culturelles. He learns to play ragtime, on top of his classical training : first to make classical retranscriptions of ragtime (and that as early plan for a life's enterprise, in dealing with his peculiar B/W situation). "The old slave song" 856, "which noone has yet touched" / "the new American music". "Going home and working as a Negro composer" plan 857, "I doubt that even a white musician of recognized ability could succeed there by working on the theory that American music should be based on Negro themes" 857.
B/W relations, social history: "white slummers" in Harlem, including sexual partnerings.
871 : not yet appreciate // these old slave songs. "the day will come when this slave music will be the most treasured heritage of the American Negro". 

Diaspora elements : Cuban cigar workers and learning Spanish, the European/Parisian reception - culture-making - of "new American music", cake walk and ragtime. Trip to Paris, as servant/accompagnateur, on the train of music dissemination (transnational and transmode, indissociably tied together: ragtime/classical, America/Europe, B/W), learning French (and making observations about language learning: grassroots bottom up, German later). Paris welcome to Americans (853). Trip to London : "the world's metropolis"
Becomes "a polished man of the world". (World = polished, cosmopolitanism. Other Af Ams have done the cross over to Europe on other modes of transnationalism. See possibly a history of those modes : what is available as regime of diaspora, at which time.)
Links made with situations of native Africans, with Jew (860).
Black history of cultural adaptability and self-recreation, 860, = practiced in diasporic (? this is the flip side to this) historicity of self and community : "I could not help being struck by the great difference between them and the same class of colored people in the South. In speech and thought they were genuine Yankees. The difference was especially noticeable in their speech. There was none of the heavy-tongued enunciation which characterizes event the best-educated colored people of the South. It is remarkable, after all, what an adaptable creature the Negro is. I have seen black the West Indian gentleman in London, and he is in speech and manners a perfect Englishman. I have seen natives of Haiti and Martinique in Paris, and they are more Frenchy than a Frenchman. I hae no doubt that the Negro would make a good Chinaman, with exception of the pigtail."

Politics of knowledge is one persistent key of this history. Plays out in 1964-1969, with the student insurgency that imposes Black studies in the academic game.

mardi 10 avril 2012

Black, Brown

Histoires, et stratégies différenciées, des désignations.
"Black" dans Black studies n'a pas la même généalogie que "black" dans les Black British Cultural studies, pour commencer : ces deux champs en formation dans l'université depuis les années 60, et sur des logiques historiques (et des rapports de force) spécifiques.

- "black" stratégique chez les CS anglais : sert à travailler la ligne de clivage qui exclut ce qui est "black" de ce qui est "English" ; à partir de la conflation, orientée, de race & ethnicity. Question de la nation, et du coup critique des travaux sur le nationalisme culturel (dont B. Anderson). Pris de vitesse par les découvertes des constituencies différenciées au sein de "blackness" en GB : à l'occasion, disent HA Baker Jr et al. (Black British Cultural Studies, UChicagoP, 1996), de l'affaire des Satanic Verses.

- étonnement de trouver "brown" dès très tôt, et dans le contexte américain : largement avant "Can the Subaltern Speak", dans les eaux duquel j'avais jusqu'ici ma marque chronologique. James Weldon Johnson, The Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man, 1912 : "There were some black and brown boys and girls in the school, and several of them were in my class." (Norton Anthology of African American Literature, 1997, 2004, p. 807).

Ainsi que "yellow", comme qualifiant un degré de blackness/whiteness, de miscegenation, (ou "high", aussi), dans Uncle Tom's Cabin comme dans l'autobiographie de Malcolm X (à vérifier).

- En 1920, CLR James sur G. Padmore : parle des "black, brown & yellow people".  (B. Edwards).

lundi 9 avril 2012

Mondialisation : assemblage des discours

Pour discuter la Mondialisation, entrer dans le fray, façonner des prises critiques : c'est primordialement avec l'économie politique et ses discursivités, universitaires (épistémologiques, plus largement) et civiles (et institutionnelles), qu'il faut programmer le rapport.
NYRB of April 5th, Benjamin M. Friedman on Michael Spence's The Next Convergence: the Future of Economic Growth in a Multispeed World (Farrar, S & Giroux, 2012).

mercredi 4 avril 2012

Politique de la théorie

Je n'ai pas fini de revenir de ma naïveté quant à la politique de la théorie. La nature des radicalités. Grand long apprentissage en sous-marin ; pourquoi ces plans sont submergés.
Deleuze, toujours la nature du politique là difficile à situer. Guattari. L'explosion politique des 60s. Et les traces structurelles qui en sont vivaces now.
Actuellement, le silence qu'il semble y avoir entre Badiou et Negri.
Impatience de lire le volume dirigé par Charles Soulié sur l'histoire de Paris 8, Un Mythe à détruire. Décryptages sociologiques, information historique à grande proximité, faim de.

dimanche 1 avril 2012

Uncle Tom's Cabin : effets politiques et la Littérature

Good essay by Amanda Claybaugh, in introduction to the B&N edition of UT'sC (2003).
Her angle being "realism and social reform in the 19th century American and British novel. How the mesh, how the engagement.
Points sur la discursivité - mailles de discursivisation, c'est son travail ici : quant à l'effet du roman pour "political change". Le "transformer le monde" se faisant nécessairement dans l'ordre du discours, de discours à discours ; dans ces expériences, d'énonciation et de transénonciation:
- Lincoln, "the little woman who made the great war" : not, but "it did help to set the terms on which the "great war" would be fought and won." "Provided the North with a powerful language through which the long struggle for union could be articulated and sustained. By taking slavery to be the chief difference between North and South and by framing (see Brent Edwards on framing) the issue of slavery in apocalyptic terms, UTC ... made the coming of war seem inevitable, righteous, even holy" (xvii).
- succès populaire (avant la grande séparation du high / popular, marquée par exemple avec la création du Atlantic Monthly, 1857) : parce que conforms (to expectations on gender & race), but yet transforms, turns them inside out, pursues to their logical, surprised conclusions. "Both a bestseller and a revolutionary text". Causes so much confusion in our day : Stowe was both conservative and radical at the same time".(ex her practice of public appearance, trotted out before all the high personages of US and London : ses mari et fils parlent pour elle, elle dans la galerie des dames).
- toutes les divisions internes du mouvement abolitioniste ; toutes ces positions revolved dans la structure du texte. Dont le racialisme post-romantique et nationaliste. Y compris la comparaison entre l'esclave en lutte de libération et les révolutionnaires hongrois contre l'empire autrichien. + the "Sambo personality" as strategy of survival & resistance (Andy & Sam).
- la première à figurer l'esclave, Tom, en Christ.
- UTC dans l'histoire littéraire américaine : déclin postbellum, puis au tournant du siècle, quand la littérature s'institutionnalise, sur une esthétique séparatiste, artiste contre sentimentalisme, mélodrame, et "social engagement" (contre Twain, par ex.) : de Henry James, à Hugh Kenner (institutionnalisation, visible aussi par l'émergence des voix critiques et universitaires). Tom shows (blackface tradition, ont transformé la lecture de UTC, laissant des traces dans le sillage culturel de l'oeuvre qui ne lui appartiennent pas), + Goodbye to Uncle Tom rewrites (après flux des rewrites anti-Tom sudistes, contemporaines). H. Kenner : "Mrs Stowe's famous eleven-Kleenex tract" ; James Baldwin "Everybody's Protest Novel" (1949), Wright, "How Bigger Was Born".
- reprise en 1985 : Philip Fisher, Jane Tompkings, relecture du sentimentalisme, "sentimentalims's politics" : "it was the primary mode of radical politics in the 18th and much of the 19th century, and it pursued its radical agenda by extending 'normal states of primary feeling to people from whom theur have previously been withheld". Les énonciateurs du sentimentalisme : femmes, vieux, fous, esclaves. "Les marginaux". Subalterne. Naïveté de Stowe ( individual scenes, & hopes of changing "the world") // naïveté des critiques du sentimentalisme : penser que le politique a sa sphère dans le juridique et législatif seul.
Heart, ethics. cf fin de UTC : "There is one thing that every individual can do, they can see to it that they feel right" (438).
Question de l'articulation de l'individuel - protopypiquement la relation de lecture moderne, la relation d'identité culturelle de même - et du politique. Comment. Historiquement, et avec ses expériences, ses instances. Leurs effets de résonance.